Helping a dyslexic university student remember a long list of professional terminology requires a multi-sensory approach that caters to their specific learning style. Here are some effective methods to recommend:

Break down the list into smaller chunks: Divide the terminology into manageable sections, allowing the student to focus on a few words at a time. This helps prevent feeling overwhelmed and promotes better retention.

Use visual aids and flashcards: Create flashcards with each term and its definition, incorporating images, diagrams, or color-coding to enhance recall. Visual representations can strengthen the association between the word and its meaning.

Engage in repeated practice: Encourage the student to practice reciting the terms aloud, writing them down repeatedly, or using online tools like spaced repetition software. Consistent exposure and retrieval can solidify the terms in their memory.

Create connections and associations: Relate the new terminology to familiar concepts or experiences. For example, connect a medical term to a body part or a legal term to a real-world case study. This makes the information more meaningful and easier to remember.

Utilize mnemonic devices: Employ memory techniques like acronyms, rhymes, or stories to link the terms together. These strategies can create mental frameworks for organizing and recalling the information.

Engage in multi-sensory activities: Combine different sensory inputs to reinforce learning. For instance, have the student write the terms while listening to recordings of their pronunciations or create mind maps using different colors and shapes.

Encourage self-testing and reflection: Encourage the student to self-quiz themselves regularly to identify areas of weakness and track their progress. Reflecting on their learning process can help them develop effective study strategies.

Provide opportunities for application: Incorporate the terminology into practical exercises or simulations to demonstrate its real-world relevance. This active engagement can deepen understanding and retention.

Seek additional support: If the student still struggles, recommend seeking additional support from a learning specialist or tutor who specializes in working with dyslexic individuals.

Promote a positive learning environment: Encourage the student to set realistic goals, celebrate their achievements, and maintain a positive attitude towards learning. A supportive environment can boost motivation and confidence.